t account.

Shan Weiyi finished reading the information sent by his parents, and finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

After Shan Weiyi’s leg was broken, his family didn’t like him very much anymore.
His father took the opportunity to bring back his illegitimate son Shan Yunyun.
Shan Yunyun was hard-working, had good academic performance, knew how to do things, knew how to please the elders, and quickly won the love of the elders in the family.
Mother Shan also gritted her silver teeth for this, but because her own son did not act properly, she had to endure it.

But Mother Shan was also unwilling to give up Shan Weiyi, so she still made some manipulations to let Shan Weiyi go back to the college.
It’s just that she didn’t expect that Shan Weiyi really didn’t have a long memory at all.
Not only did he not clamp down his tail to be a man, but he continued to spread his wings on the verge of death.

In the past few days, the news that Shan Weiyi pushed Wen Lu and Ruan Yang into the water has spread throughout the academy.
Of course, this news also spread back to the Shan family.

Father Shan and Mother Shan were anxious and angry, calling and sending messages repeatedly to ask Shan Weiyi.
Shan Weiyi was kidnapped by the prince and had his watch and earphones taken, so he did not reply. 

Father Shan was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he could only blame his wife: “You have such a good son! He is still so rebellious! You spoiled him!”

Mother Shan, seeing Shan Yunyun as the young master, felt a million unhappy things in her heart.
After Father Shan said such a thing, she couldn’t bear it anymore, and retorted: “Of course! I am a domineering young lady, and of course I gave birth to a domineering young master.
If you want a gentle and obedient son, you should naturally have a gentle and small-minded woman give birth to one for you.”

Father Shan was even more angry after being rebuked: “In these years, I only recognize Weiyi as my son, and I only loveed him.
Everyone can see it.
If it wasn’t for his absurdity, which offended the royal family, would I give up on him? Who am I doing this for? I am doing it for this family! If he is not restrained, our whole family will suffer!”

Mother Shan actually agreed with Father Shan’s words.
No matter how much she loved Young Master Shan, she had to admit that if Young Master Shan continues to make waves in the academy, the whole family will be ruined.

A while ago, Father Shan had already stopped Shan Weiyi’s allowance to make him think about his mistakes.
It’s just that Mother Shan loves her son and secretly sended him money.
Now, Mother Shan also agreed to the economic sanctions on Shan Weiyi.

Therefore, Shan Weiyi’s account was frozen and he couldn’t spend any money.

There were two paths before Young Master Shan, either go back to the Shan house and admit his mistake, or starve to death.

In addition to the private dressing room and swimming pool provided by the college to the prince, he also had a tea room.
Shen Yu often had tea and chatted with the prince there.

Beside the black walnut coffee table, Shen Yu held a plum-green orchid cup, and said in a manly voice: “It was said that the Shan family cut off Shan Weiyi’s living expenses because of the prince.
Now it’s good, the prince can give him a bite of food.”

The prince didn’t expect Shan Weiyi to become a poor man, he just thought it was interesting.
Thinking that he would not give money to Shan Weiyi and wait for Shan Weiyi to bow his head to beg himself, it was also a good thing.

Shen Yu guessed what the prince was thinking.

Shan Weiyi running out of money, he must not be willing to beg the prince at first.
At this time, Shen Yu could show up at the right time and give Shan Weiyi some financial help.

After all, Shan Weiyi was still a spoiled child with a low IQ.
Being given such help, he was afraid that it would be hard and inevitable for him to become somewhat dependent on Shen Yu.
At the same time, there will be deeper resentment towards the prince.

Soon, Shan Weiyi asked for leave from the academy and returned to the Shan house by spaceship.

When he arrived at the house, he saw a new decoration, from the gate to the hall, covered with Ecuadorian roses, red and fragrant.
There were macaron-colored decorative light balls floating in the hall, filled with a romantic atmosphere.

“You’re finally willing to come back.” Mother Shan was wearing a champagne-colored silk dress inlaid with rubies from Haute Couture, and walked towards him angrily holding up the hem of the skirt.

Shan Weiyi saw Mother Shan, and smiled: “Mom…”

“Mom, mom,” Mother Shan gritted her teeth and scolded, “Can’t you cause your mother less trouble?”

Shan Weiyi touched his nose: “What trouble did I get into? How could I not know? Was there some misunderstanding?” As he spoke, Shan Weiyi looked around again and asked, “Everything was good, why did you make it so colorful and grand? It’s not arranged to welcome me, right?”

Mother Shan cut it off, with a look of resentment on her face: “How could it be? You came back at a really bad time…”

Because he didn’t know that there would be an event today, Shan Weiyi was dressed plainly.
Mother Shan saw that he didn’t look the part, so she took off a platinum honeycomb diamond ring on her hand, put it on Shan Weiyi’s finger, and took off her ruby ​​brooch, pinning it on Shan Weiyi’s clothes.
These two pieces of her jewelry were expensive but unisex.
The style did not differentiate between men and women, it can only be seen that they were very expensive, and they were also suitable for embellishment for Shan Weiyi.

Shan Weiyi held the gemstone and thought: It will take me a year to sell it later.

But Mother Shan seemed to see through his thoughts, and said in a low voice: “I will lend you to wear it, and remember to return it later.
If you lose it, I will beat you with a laser stick for half an hour.”

“Half an hour? Half a minute is enough to take my life.” Shan Weiyi smiled, “It’s not that I’m afraid of pain, but I’m afraid of tiring my mother.”

Mother Shan gave him an annoyed look, then rubbed her swollen temples: “If you use your glib tongue to curry favor and please others, then I can live another hundred years.”

Shan Weiyi smiled, ignored the comment, and went back to the topic just now: “What kind of grand event is today? Why didn’t you notify me in advance?”

“Today was also sudden.
I only received the notice in the morning, and I hurriedly made arrangements at noon.” Mother Shan said softly, “It is said that a distinguished guest is coming.”

“What distinguished guest?” Shan Weiyi asked.

Without a system, it was troublesome, and he was also blind at the moment.

Mother Shan replied: “It is said that Shan Yunyun invited the richest man in the Freedom Federation to our house as a guest.” Speaking of Shan Yunyun, Mother Shan had an expression as if she had eaten expired canned food.

“The richest man in the Freedom Federation…” Shan Weiyi shuddered: This was unfortunate, this was his third target.

The richest man in the Federation was also the domineering president in the series.

The Freedom Federation was very different from the Empire.
The emperor of the empire was bigger than heaven, no matter how big and rich he was, the emperor would kill him if he wanted.
But Freedom Federation protected the sanctity of private property and allowed markets to regulate themselves freely.
The result of this was that the person who owned the most property was the most sacred and inviolable, monopolizing the market freely, and eventually, the capitalists could directly control the government.
The president had also become their puppet.

In the space city of the Free Federation, people even have to pay the annual sunlight fee to the artificial sun manufacturing company, the breathing tax to the air circulation and filtration company, and the gravity fee to the simulated gravity company.
And the boss of these three companies was this domineering CEO—Mr.
Jun Gengjin.

Mother Shan and Shan Weiyi were talking when they heard conversations and footsteps outside the door.

If he was not mistaken, there were three people who came, two of whom Shan Weiyi knew – Father Shan and Shan Yunyun.
Shan Yunyun’s voice was full of laughter, and came loudly: “I’m very curious, Mr.
Jun, if the people in Liberty Space City really have no money and cannot pay the sunlight fee, breathing tax and gravity fee, what should they do? You can’t just cut off their sunlight, air and gravity, right? It’s impossible.” 

A strange male voice sounded: “You imperial people have too much misunderstanding with our freedom federation.
What does Young Master Shan think of our entrepreneurs as? Devils? Of course we would not do such an inhumane thing.”

“Oh? What will you do then?” Shan Yunyun asked pretentiously, pinching his throat.

“People who can’t pay these necessary living expenses are too poor, and they need help.
And we will provide help.” Jun Gengjin replied.

“So will you provide them with subsidies?” Father Shan joined the conversation, “This is too generous.”

“Of course not, just giving subsidies will only raise lazy people.
It is better to teach people how to fish than to give them a fish.
These poor people will be provided jobs.” Jun Gengjin said in a warm voice, “For example, we will provide spaceships for free and send them to work in garbage stars, mine stars, industrial cities and other places to generate income.”

Shan Yunyun said in surprise: “Really, you guys are really too nice, I’m crying to death.”

“That’s right!” Father Shan echoed, “What kind of heart is this!”

Shan Weiyi heard these words and said to his mother: “If I understand correctly, this person surnamed Jun is forcing ordinary people to pay for sunlight, air and gravity, and if they can’t pay the money, he will send them to dig mines, dig coal and pick up garbage?”

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