want to reappear at the Circle near Giorno, I’d turn in that general direction.
Same thing with the Circle near Lylia, and the other ones as well.


“StILl, ThESe aRE QUite DifFIcuLT Spell Circles to makE.
ARE yoU ReaLlY jUsT A hUmAn?”


“I’m a monster, actually.”




“Just kidding.
Just wanted to try saying that- gah?!”


Man, that hurt…

It just punched me out of nowhere! Good thing I put up my guard.

Its physical strength was about on par with Lylia’s, I guess.
Even that one defended blow shook me to the core.

If it were to hit me repeatedly, I don’t think my body would be able to hold on for long.


“YOur boDy cAn wiTHSTAnD my attAck… so yOU ARE A Holy Warrior, tHen? thaT WOUlD explaiN yOUR ArcaNe eNERGy – BuT YOu arE sTill noThINg against mY King!”


…Okay, so this power boost isn’t enough to get rid of the Devil King, huh?

I sure as hell hope this isn’t just the Devine Messenger giving me the wrong multipliers!

Man, I really want to go home right about now, and sleep on the warm mattress and Pochi’s belly pillow… But where’s my ‘home’ in this case, anyway?

…Oh, humans, always thinking about unrelated stuff in the face of fear.

Hey, that’s a good one.
I’ll write it down.


“…WHat is ThAT?”


“It’s the Principles of a Philosopher.”


“Oh? if tHat BOOk iS iN mY POssESSioN, I WiLL SOLvE ThE MysTErY Of YouR Teleportation speLL cIrCle, ThEn? I musT havE IT…!”


Did I just hear something hit the ground? …Oh, the Devil’s got a tail.
And the tip if it is a snake’s head.

Now wait a second… have I even written any mundane stuff like magic recipes in the Principles of a Philosopher before?

Nah, of course not! No trivial thing has a place in my book! After I fulfill my destiny, I’ll hide it away – and someone will find it years later, and be in awe of the awesomeness of its contents! They’ll make copies of it – millions of copies of it – and it’ll sell like hotcakes!

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I thought I’d make it a limited print, so that the first edition will fetch a fortune or two… but alas, that isn’t meant to happen.


“MY NaME is Bathym.
ThE stRoNgest Devil, ANd CLOse aSSOCiATe of King Lucifer!”




Bathym unleashed a huge burst of his arcane energy.

Man, its power is so Devil-like – oh, wait, it IS a Devil.

I better show it my full power as well, especially since it told me the Devil King’s name and all.


“Huu… uuu… HMPH!”


I released my arcane energy, bulking up my body for an all-out fistfight.


“WHAT?! ArEN’T YOU suPPOsED TO be a mage?!”


“I am a man of knowledge and strength! A PHILOSOPHER!”


“ThERe’s No waY in hELl yOu’re A Philosopher! NOt wITH That fooLIsHINEsS!”


Now even a Devil is calling me a fool.




Damn, he’s fast! But not too fast for me to keep up with!

Here it comes! Duck! Neck! Torso! Flip! Shoulder! And next…!


“HEAD PUNCH! Whew… I’m stinging all over! A fistfight with a Devil really is something else!”


“iNtEreSTiNG… VerY IntEresTiNg, YoUNg Man! i FEEL like i’vE gOTTeN tO reLEasE SoME peNT-Up STRESs!”



Pent-up… so its work environment’s always been stressful, huh…?

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Wait – could it be that it’s gonna-




“-! Rise, Gate Eater!”


“you InsTANtlY EraSED my fLames?! tHaT MAGIc… it cerTaINLy REsemBlES A pOWER ThAt we Devilkin poSSEsS…”


Nope, that was my super-duper awesome original spell.
I’m quite proud of it.

Wouldn’t blame the Devil for not getting it, though – it just saw me use some weird spell it’s never heard off, after all.


“…HmPh! Chaos Break!”


What’s that spell…?!

I can’t figure it out! Let’s try stopping it for now-!


“Ahhh-rise! Parasitic Control!”


“…wHAt?! yOU InvokEd yOUr SPelL afTER MiNE, YEt iT WAs faST eNoUGh tO takE aWAy my conTROl oVEr MY Circle…?! BE Proud, young mAN! I’Ve alwAYS thoUGHt OnLy my King COuLD dO THAT To Me! …WHaT ArE YOu DOIng?”


“Let’s see… do this to this…? Aha, so going around this formula creates a dark-elemental distortion.
This means the formula before it is the self-recognition code…”




“Hah-hah! Rise, A-rise, A-raise! Parasitic Edit! Chaos Break!”




Oh, I see… this is PERFECT! It’s kind of like the Gravity Stamp, but it hits from all directions!

So in the end, it’s a compression spell that squashes its target into nothingness.
Well, the Devil’s managed to avoid getting hurt, probably because it knows exactly how the spell works… But it should be pretty pissed, right?


“SCuM…! DiE!!!!”


Yup, it’s super pissed.

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