hey were not very good at due to lacking practice in individual expression.

However, there were still advantages to the model adopted by the Heavensword Association.
The Cloudstrider Sword School clearly illustrated the advantage of having multiple expert pilots or swordmasters inherit an existing style and continue to build on it over the generations.

Some of the most renowned sword schools in the Heavensword Association actually maintained an uninterrupted inheritance that went back millennia!

The continued development of human civilization had always been rooted on passing on knowledge and allowing subsequent generations to learn from their predecessors.

Yet when this approach was applied to mech piloting and swordsmanship, the issue of compatibility began to become increasingly more problematic!

It was already bad enough that it was harder for individuals who inherited a legacy to become expert pilots or swordmasters.

The biggest conclusion the MTA had made was that it was very hard for even the most talented ace pilots to complete the final step and advance to god pilot!

Of all of the known god pilots in human space, the overwhelming majority were singularly unique! Hardly any of them trained in a systematic inheritance!

This conclusion alone was enough for most people to abandon this approach.
Even if the benefits of training in a systematic inheritance produced some of the most powerful expert pilots and ace pilots in the galaxy, few mech pilots wanted to lose their path to god pilot!

As Fred explained all of this to Ketis, she thought that the Heavensword Association ’s insistence on passing on its sword styles must be one of the main reasons why its citizens were exiled to the galactic rim.

”To sum it all up, the power of a swordsman is rooted in the mind rather than body. ” He said.
”We Heavensworders aren ’t ignorant of the importance of fostering individual development.
The newer sword schools like the Cloudstrider Sword School have been able to rise up because they allow for much greater individual development than the old and traditional sword schools.
We have to adapt to the times as best as possible in order to avoid falling behind. ”

In fact, this was a major contradiction in the Heavensword Association, but this had little relation to Ketis right now.
It was enough for her to know that a sword style did not have to be rigid.

Fred then uttered a very Ves-like statement.

”Sword styles are alive, Ketis.
While they prescribe a single recipe, who says that you have to follow it to the letter? If you like your food to be a little spicier, then you can throw in a few chilis.
If you are in an environment where you don ’t have access to wine, then use vinegar instead.
Do what is best for you.
Even if you have inherited my brother ’s work, don ’t assume you have to turn yourself into his clone.
Instead, take what you have learned and use it to develop your own style. ”

This was essentially the same advice that Venerable Dise had given to her.
True swordsmen and swordswomen were supposed to go beyond what they learned!

”That… sounds a bit too far to me.
With the time that we have, I think I can deepen my proficiency in the Annihilator Sword Style, but I don ’t think I can make much progress in forming my own style. ”

In a way, Ketis was also a product of an inheritance, if only a shallow one.
She lived and breathed the Swordmaiden Sword Style.
Even if she had already developed a few moves that she felt comfortable with, it was not enough of a difference.

”I see.
You aren ’t wrong.
Let me pass you my own insights on the Annihilator Sword Style in order to get you up to speed on how it is supposed to be practiced.
In order to break the rules, you have to learn them first. ”

This was a rather risky prospect, but Fred believed that Ketis was wise enough to stick to her own guns.

He unsheathed his own weapon and held it out.
After a lot of effort, he managed to evoke the power of annihilation to slightly cover the blade.

”The heart of this sword style is the unquenching will to destroy any obstacle in your path.
This does not just describe the method in which it works in a fight, but also the mindset that is necessary to drive it forward. ”

Ketis nodded in understanding.
Sharpie already took care of that when he entered annihilation mode and infected her mind with its altered presence.

Now that she thought about it, this was actually a form of cheating.
Since her ’pet ’ already took care of the hard work, Ketis previously thought it was unnecessary to make this switch herself.

She realized that she was wrong.
Rather than rely on an improper solution, she should be altering her mentality by herself!

If she was able to adopt a destruction mindset by her own merits, then Sharpie ’s transformation into annihilation mode might achieve even greater results! After all, instead of fighting against her original state, it would complement her current form!

Perhaps she might even be able to achieve another form of resonance in this fashion!

Her eyes lit up as she felt this was a viable way for her to quickly improve her battle prowess.
She had worked with resonance long enough to know it was a fantastic way to achieve greater results with limited resources!

She earnestly listened to Fred as the old man elaborated on his personal approach and philosophy towards the Annihilator Sword Style.
The insights that had allowed a talent-less swordsman like him to become a pseudo-sword initiate were worth their weight in exotics!

Since a part of Fred ’s teachings were not exclusive to any single sword style, Ketis gained more than she expected.
Some of the lessons she learned could easily be applied to the Swordmaiden Sword Style as well!

As long as she digested what she learned, her combat performance would inevitably take a substantial leap forward!

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