designers felt lost.

Gloriana pounced on every irregularity in the data and obsessively tried to solve or mitigate them no matter the difficulty!

There was no doubt that she contributed the most to the project at this stage.

She even tolerated the necessity of working together with Juliet in order to accelerate the project by a couple of days.

Now that she no longer behaved catty in the presence of the other Hexer mech designer, it turned out that the two women worked quite well together.

The collaboration between Ves and Gloriana was best described as a union designed to borrow each other ’s strengths while covering for each other ’s weaknesses.

The budding cooperation between Gloriana and Juliet generated a different dynamic.

Both of their interests and strengths overlapped to an extent.
When it came to flight systems and anything related to mobility, Juliet held the upper hand against the Wodin scion, but that did not mean the latter had no way to be useful.

On the contrary.
When Juliet developed a solution that allowed a given configuration of the Bright Warrior to accelerate faster, Gloriana took a look at the proposed solution and solved some of the problems and shortcomings that the changes introduced.

The overall result was that the mech ’s overall performance noticeably improved without introducing too many downsides!

”I ’m quite impressed by how far we have been able to push the mobility of all four configurations. ” Juliet reported her progress to Ves one day.
”While Gloriana still isn ’t the most pleasant person to be around, we are doing quite well for ourselves as long as our thoughts coincide. ”

”You want to finish the project as fast as possible as well? ” Ves asked.

”Why wouldn ’t I? My fellow Penitent Sisters didn ’t suffer as badly in the last battle as the rest, but our numbers keep growing smaller.
The best way to prevent us from losing any further sisters is to make the other mech forces stronger so that they can hold their ground much better next time.
This Bright Warrior of yours will definitely help with that.
Besides, completing this project faster allows me to get back to working on the Giant Killer design.
Our Penitent Sisters need its firepower. ”

That was another good reason to work hard on the current project.

He thought about the opinions that others held about the Bright Warrior IB.
Neither Gloriana nor Juliet exhibited much passion for the future backbone of the Larkinson Clan.
Aside from Ves himself, only a handful of assistant mech designers exhibited any passion in the mech design.

”Is the Bright Warrior IB a bad mech? ” He questioned himself.

He didn ’t think so.
It was a good performer by any objective measure.
It just didn ’t have the pronounced strength and star power of his more flamboyant designs such as the Doom Guard, Valkyrie Redeemer and Crystal Lord Mark II.

The reactions of the other mech designers reflected the reality that the mech industry and the mech market simply didn ’t care too much for boring but serviceable products.

The Bright Warrior IB ticked all of the boxes, yet that was nothing special in the eyes of others.

Even its glow was rather bland and lacking in distinct features.
Whereas the Piranha Prime could destabilize any opponent that got close while the Valkyrie Redeemer could do something similar at a distance, the Bright Warrior merely boosted the sense of belonging of a Larkinson mech pilot.

”That does sound kind of weak. ” Ves belatedly admitted.

The Golden Cat may be a key factor in increasing the cohesion of the Larkinson Clan, but she was not that impressive when employed as a design spirit.

She simply didn ’t bring as much benefits as some of his other design spirits such as the Superior Mother or the Illustrious One.

It was not as if he considered the option of inserting another design spirit in the Bright Warrior IB.
Yet every time he thought about it, he instinctively felt it was wrong.

”The Bright Warrior product line must remain as a pure representation of the Larkinson Clan. ”

The mech had to prove that the Larkinson Clan did not necessarily need to borrow the power of other grand and powerful entities in order to hold its own.
If the Bright Warrior mechs were weak, then that simply meant that his clan still had a long way to go before the machines actually became good.

In a way, the Bright Warrior product line served as a mirror to the Larkinsons.
It presented an unvarnished view of the actual state and strength of their clan.

”It doesn ’t matter if the Bright Warrior ’s glow is a bit lackluster for the moment.
Goldie has already grown a lot and she ’ll definitely enjoy an even greater growth spurt now that we have gained a bunch of expert pilots. ”

The high-quality spiritual feedback provided by Venerable Joshua, Venerable Jannzi and so on invigorated the Golden Cat.
Her strength and capabilities constantly rose every day.
She was slowly catching up to the likes of Qilanxo and the Superior Mother.

Ves smiled.
He no longer felt insecure about the Bright Warrior IB anymore.
Perhaps the only spiritual aspect it was truly lacking in was that Ves hadn ’t succeeded in incorporating a working spiritual construct.

”My original Bright Warriors never managed to trigger the Ancestral Possession or Ancestral Assistance abilities I ’ve developed. ” He frowned.

Their conditions were too harsh and Ves overestimated his capabilities.
While Ves still felt that there was a chance those abilities had a chance of working, perhaps he should go back to the drawing board.

Should he discard the non-working abilities and replace them with simpler spiritual constructs? What iconic spiritual feature should he add to the mechs instead?

Ves turned his gaze towards the Larkinson Mandate.

”What can you do these days, Goldie? ”


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