ad a point.
The sheer ignorance on display meant that whatever Ves Larkinson was up to, there was no chance in hell he would be able to invoke anything meaningful!

”Don ’t forget that this is all part of a test for us. ” The Penitent Sister Commander reminded everyone.
She pointed at her cheek, which had been tattooed with a prominent ♂ symbol.
”The other Hexers wish to humiliate us and bring us down with these petty insults.
Lashing out will accomplish nothing except for leading us to deaths, thereby cutting off our legacy! This is exactly what our enemies want.
Don ’t let them win.
Instead, treat our punishment as a gauntlet. If we wish to be reborn stronger than before, we must prove ourselves worthy and maintain our forbearance as best as possible! ”

The Penitent Sisters weren ’t afraid of death.
What they truly feared was to die a meaningless death! If they disappeared from existence, who would remember them? Who would inherit their legacy? Who would remind the Hexers of the true threat of boys?

In their eyes, it would only be a matter of time before the boys who ruled the galaxy to squash the upstart Hexadric Hegemony!

For now, the Hegemony was too small and remote to attract the attention of the cabal of boys who secretly plotted to keep women down, but that wouldn ’t last! With the inevitable victory the Hegemony would achieve over the Coalition, the Hexers would soon come to dominate the entire Komodo Star Sector.

At that time, many Penitent Sisters believed that the reckoning would come!

In order to save the Hexers from their own doom, the Penitent Sisters had to overcome this humiliating punishment duty, regain their honor and convince the Hegemony of the fatal threat of boys!

While the zone representing the phase of damnation calmed down, the zone next to it never fluctuated from the beginning.

Ves didn ’t really understand the phase of dust.
Why was it different from the phase of death? Weren ’t they the same thing?

Even skimming through dense, illogical hexism scripture didn ’t tell him much.
He only learned that the two phases differed on whether people remembered the dead or not.
When no one remembered your existence, you were no different than dust!

At least that was what Ves assumed.
It didn ’t matter if he misinterpreted it.
He just decided to interpret this phase a bit more literally and procured a modest batch of dead sandman corpses.

They used to live before they were killed trying to invade human space.
Practically no one was able to distinguish the identities of low-caste sandmen.
This was pretty much analogous to what the phase of dust stood for in his opinion!

After the phase of dust came the ultimate phase of existence.

For the phase of woman, Ves truly struggled to choose who to represent this zone.

The ideal candidates would be Hexer women.
The Glory Battalion boasted plenty of female mech pilots and support personnel.
All of them would be a good fit for this phase of existence.

Ves didn ’t have the guts to invite them to take part in this ceremony.

Gloriana ’s reaction already proved how much backlash he would incur if he tried to gain the cooperation of Hexers!

None of them would be pleased to take part in a mockery of their culture or beliefs!

For this reason, Ves had to draw upon another group of strong and confident that weren ’t Hexers!

Ves considered bringing in his own clansmen, but none of them were suitable.
The Brighters in the clan were all ardent secularists while the Ylvainans thought that hexism was misguided.

In the end, he made an offer to the Swordmaidens and they accepted.

While the former pirates probably didn ’t fit the mold of a classic superior Hexer, Ves didn ’t care about these details.
He personally admired the Swordmaidens and if any group of women deserved the highest honor, it would be Commander Dise and her fearless sisterhood!

It also helped that the Swordmaidens were highly practical and not very fussy.
They had gone through weirder ordeals and they weren ’t entirely unfamiliar with dealing with cults.

As all of the elements fell into place, nothing happened.
According to the schedule, the ceremony should have started five minutes ago, but so far the Larkinsons on guard just told everyone that an unavoidable delay had occurred.

”Please be patient, everyone! The ceremony will start soon! ”

The reason for this delay was because Ves was still stuck backstage.

He truly wanted to step forward and begin the ceremony he plotted for a long time.
However, his girlfriend still had a problem with this entire arrangement!

”—aside from all of the travesties you mentioned before, the distribution isn ’t even right! How stupid are you to employ just 6 proto-gods for the phase of godhood and 66 Swordmaidens for the phase of woman? It should have been the other way around! Women are superior to gods unless those gods are female as well.
If I was in your shoes, I would have utilized 66 male proto-gods to represent the phase of godhood and just 6 proper, upstanding Hexer women to represent the ultimate phase of existence! Even a six-year old Hexer would be able to come up with this! You ’re so ignorant that I can ’t believe you thought this was a good idea. ”

Ves palmed his face.
”This isn ’t important, Gloriana.
Who cares about these trivial details? It ’s the thought that counts! All of this is just for symbolism.
Remember the time when I created the Golden Cat? Back then, I learned how beneficial it was to hold a grand occasion.
With all of the people and props I put in place, I think I have a good chance of breathing life into my most powerful design spirit to date! ”

”I don ’t disagree with that, Ves, but the problem is that you are committing outright blasphemy.
That is something that I can ’t accept! ”

Gloriana still refused to take part in this charade!

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