that was transformed into shadow goes back to normal, and the box is hovering right in front of it.

Gahn’s head is clad in purifying light, and he pulls it back to headbutt the box.


I send the Restrain scroll that’s already active to bind Gahn, although it’s too late.

The box disappears, and the points inside it flow into Gahn.

Gahn spits blood from a gap in the Restrain scroll.

“Gufuh… Ahh… Ahh… Objective, complete.
I couldn’t, hit the one who controls a dragon, but the old blood, was hit.
And, the points.
I got them, lord, Zwei.”

His voice sounds different from the Gahn I remember.
I’m guessing the reincarnated people’s bodies really do have someone else inside them.

Gahn’s body seems to be struggling, as it envelops itself in purifying light and gradually disappears.

Kuh! Isn’t there anything I can do!? Ah, King Kalzart.

I think just as Princess Lily screams with sorrow.

“Father! Ah, ah! Your body! Father!”

Princess Lily is bawling like a child as she clings to her father’s body.

King Kalzart is also covered in purifying light, and his body is slowly disappearing.

I run to him as I take out a potion and open it, before turning in upside down and swinging my arm to scatter it all over his body.

But just before the potion touches his body, King Kalzart disappears completely.

The potion drips on the ground.

A silence falls into the room, broken only by the sound of Princess Lily sobbing.


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