Chapter 5402: Hes Ranqings Child, My Grandson

Where do you intend to head to? Chu Feng asked.

I have some matters to settle at a place not too far away here.
If you dont have anything urgent, why dont you accompany me? Bai Yunqing asked.

Chu Feng could tell that Bai Yunqing needed his help, so he chose not to probe any further and instead said, All right, lead the way.

Meanwhile, a huge spirit formation gate appeared in the Divine Inheritance Ground.
It was dark and enigmatic, but it felt powerful as if it could transcend everything.

The beautiful woman and frost woman was standing in front of this spirit formation gate.

Milord, when will you come back? the frost woman asked with reluctant eyes.

The beautiful woman looked at the frost woman with apologetic eyes and said, It must have been hard for you to be stationed here for so many years, but this formation still requires someones supervision.
I promise that youll be allowed to return to the Asura Spirit World once Jie Ranqings mother completes her cultivation.

Milord, thats not what I mean.
Id accomplish any mission you have entrusted to me without any complaints.
I just cant bear to part ways with you, the frost woman explained.

I know.
I wouldnt have entrusted this important responsibility to you otherwise, the beautiful woman replied.

Milord, why did you suddenly decide to lend Jie Ranqings mother a helping hand? Is it because of Chu Feng? the frost woman asked.

It has been tough on Chu Feng thus far.
There has hardly been anyone on his side over the years.
Im unable to directly offer him any help, so I thought that I should at least help someone who is on his side, the beautiful woman replied.

It looks like you value Chu Feng much more than his mother, the frost woman said with a chuckle.

It had been many years since Jie Ranqings mother arrived at the Divine Inheritance Ground in search of its fortuitous encounter.
She was on the right track, but she was still a long way off from opening the cultivation ground.
Yet, just a moment ago, the beautiful woman had used her powers to open the cultivation ground, allowing Jie Ranqings mother to enter the premises.

This was a huge favor indeed, but this favor was bestowed not on the account of Jie Ranqing but Chu Feng.

All right, Ill be leaving now.
You should take care of yourself, the beautiful woman said before stepping into the spirit formation gate.

As soon as the beautiful woman was gone, the frost womans disposition swiftly grew imposing.
Once again, she had become the inviolable ruler over this land.
She glanced in the direction where Chu Feng had departed, and somehow, it felt like she was able to see him even though he had already left this realm.

The people whom milord has chosen before you have all failed.
You are the final hope, Chu Feng.
You mustnt let milord down, the frost woman murmured.please visit f..

Huge changes had appeared in the realm where Lord Nianqing and Shuang Xue were in.

While the formation Lord Nianqing had appeared in remained powerful, it didnt pose a danger anymore.
This signaled that the spatial realm had finally opened, allowing them to leave the premises as and when they liked.

Lord Nianqing finally stepped out of the formation.

Lord Nianqing, youre amazing! Shuang Xue rushed up and congratulated Lord Nianqing.

It wasnt me, Lord Nianqing replied.

It wasnt you? But Shuang Xue was confused.
How could Lord Nianqing not be the one to clear the formation when she had been the only one challenging it?

The formation unraveled on its own accord, Lord Nianqing replied.

It unraveled on its own accord? How is that possible? Shuang Xue was even more confused.

Not only so, but the cultivation ground has appeared too, Lord Nianqing said.

The cultivation ground has appeared? The young miss was right! There really is a cultivation ground here! Shuang Xues face lit up with delight.

As a matter of fact, Lord Nianqing had heard about this cultivation ground from Jie Ranqing, which was why she knew the steps to open it.
But based on what she knew, she had to clear many more trials before she could access the cultivation ground.

The cultivation ground does exist, and just as Ranqing has said, itll be highly beneficial to me if I cultivate in there.
Its just that the cultivation ground shouldnt have appeared that quickly.
Lord Nianqing was still struggling to come to terms with the situation.

The truth was that she had struggled to decipher the formation.
It was so difficult that she even thought that she might never reach the cultivation ground in her lifetime.
Yet, all of a sudden, the formation seemed to decipher itself right before her eyes, revealing the grand doors leading to the cultivation ground.

It was almost as if someone had cleared the thorns on the road for her, granting her a smooth passage! But how could that be possible?

Milord, there isnt anyone else capable of challenging this formation.
You must have triggered something inside the formation, just that you werent aware of it, Shuang Xue said.

Forget it, I shant think about it for now.
Wheres Chu Feng? Bring me to him, Lord Nianqing said.

All right.
Shuang Xue quickly did as she was told.
Along the way, she couldnt hold back her curiosity and asked, Milord, who in the world is Chu Feng?

She could tell that Lord Nianqing had wanted to leave the spatial realm because of Chu Feng.

Shuang Xue, dont you think that Chu Feng resembles someone? Lord Nianqing asked.

Resembles someone? Shuang Xue was taken aback by the remark.
She couldnt think of anyone whom Chu Feng resembled on the spur of the moment.

Lord Nianqing shook her head and said, Forget it, Ill get straight to the point.
Chu Feng is none other than my grandson.

What? Shuang Xues mouth opened agape.
She was even more shocked than when she learned about the existence of the cultivation ground.
Lord Nianqing, are you saying that Chu Feng is our young miss child?

Indeed, Lord Nianqing replied.

But didnt our young miss say that our little young master is already dead?

She did.
I thought the same too.
But the moment I saw Chu Feng, I knew right away that he is my grandson.
I didnt think that Ranqing would lie to me too, Lord Nianqing replied with a conflicted but relieved smile.

She didnt blame Jie Ranqing for lying to her.
What was most important right now was that her grandson was still alive.

Milord, have you met Chu Feng? Shuang Xue asked.

Lord Nianqing understood that Shuang Xue was asking if she had verified her blood ties with Chu Feng.
It was only right to be prudent lest she got her hopes up for nothing, not to mention that this matter was of grave importance.
Thus, she replied, Shuang Xue, blood ties are the most mystical thing in this world.
I knew from the moment I saw him that he must be Ranqings child, my grandson.
Theres no need for additional verification.

As ridiculous as the answer might have sounded, Shuang Xue knew that Lord Nianqing wouldnt have taken this matter lightly either.
The latter must have strong reasons for believing that to be the case, even if it was just her instincts.

Now that she thought about it, there was a striking resemblance between Chu Feng and Jie Ranqing.
In fact, it wouldnt be too far-fetched to claim that Chu Feng was Jie Ranqings son on the sole account of their appearance.

But for some reason, this realization left her a little apprehensive, as if something bad was about to happen.

Shuang Xue quickly searched the Divine Inheritance Ground for Chu Fengs whereabouts but to no avail, so she looked for Shuang Yu instead.
Upon learning that Shuang Yu and the others were at the Land of Transformations, she quickly led Lord Nianqing there.

The crowd at the Land of Transformations had yet to scatter.
Lord Shuang Yu, Jie Zhou, Ling Shenger, Long Moer, Jie Yu, and the others were still lingering in the area.

The earlier phenomenon had been so powerful that quite a few people had suffered traumas to different degrees.
To avoid these traumas from worsening, Lord Shuang Yu had made the call to inspect everyones conditions and heal them right away.

What happened here? Lord Nianqing asked upon arriving on the scene.

Lord Nianqing.
Shuang Yu was overjoyed to see Lord Nianqing.

The earlier phenomenon and Chu Fengs escape had left her feeling extremely worried, and Lord Nianqings appearance reassured her uneasy heart.


A man dashed forward and leaped into Lord Nianqings arms.
Had it been anyone else, Lord Nianqing would have killed that man with a single slap, but she indulged this man instead as he was none other than Jie Zhou.
She could tell with a single glance that Jie Zhou had suffered a huge grievance.

Zhouer, whats wrong? Did someone bully you? Lord Nianqing asked.

Grandma, I didnt get bullied, but two intruders barged into our Divine Inheritance Ground and ran amok.
It was Lord Deranged Exalted who sent them here! Jie Zhou grumbled.

Shuang Xues face immediately turned pale as she realized that her worst fears might have come true, but before she could say a word, a cold voice stopped her.

Shuang Xue.

It was a reminder from Lord Nianqing to keep her mouth shut.

Thus, Shuang Xue dared not speak a single word or even send a voice transmission.
She could only watch helplessly as the situation headed in the worst possible direction.

What happened? Tell me about it.

Lord Nianqings voice turned chillingly cold.
Even the atmosphere turned frigid to reflect the changes in her emotion, and that was already her holding herself back.

The crowd shuddered in fear.
They thought that Lord Nianqing had gotten angry upon learning that Jie Zhou had suffered grievances, which led them to think that Chu Feng was going to pay the price for crossing Jie Zhou.

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