heck that she wasn’t just the waitress.

At the same time, Lily had also come to know that she was acting like a maid because she liked it as a hobby.

“Welcome to Fairy Tale, I’m the one in charge of this store, my name is Karen.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“I’m Lily and this is Fiona from rank 2 adventurer party, [Element Master].”

“Sorry but can I give my order already?”(Fiona)

Shit, I should have fed her earlier, is what Lily thought but Karen gave a smile and listened to Fiona’s demand.

“Yes please, I’ll take your order first then.”




In the end, the dealing of information did not begin till Fiona’s order had arrived.

Fiona alone had ordered numerous dishes so Lily would be fine as long as she ate a bit from what she ordered and only asked for some tea.

“I have both things I want to know and things I want you to investigate.”(lily)

Lily quickly cut to the chase.

“A trusty weapon shop, item shop, and a skilled tailor.
And also tell me about a place where we can buy horses.”(lily)

“Lily-sama, this is the first time you have come to Spada, I see.”(Karen)

From Lily’s questions, she could infer that she wasn’t well informed about Spada so this must be her first time coming here but Lily guessed that this Karen already knew more about them than that.

For example, we were one of the adventurers that escaped from Daedalus and had taken the emergency quest.

“For both weapons and items in Spada, Mordred Weapon Company is the most reliable.
It has a store in both upper stratum and lower stratum as well after all.”

“I see, so we can’t expect for any better than that right now, is it?”(lily)

So you have already gone there once.
Lily nodded to that and confirmed that they weren’t so bif just for show.

“Other shops that I can recommend, I’ll make a list and give it to you along with markings on a map.”

“Thank you.”

I’ll also mark some good date spots as well, on those words, Lily ended up grinning while breaking her poker face.

It seems, she remembers her coming along with Kurono even though she was in her girl form, but it seems Karen had already realized that they were the same person.

In any case, with this info, they should be able to get a proper present for Kurono.

Not just that, since they were going to work as adventurers in Spada from here onwards, they’ll be able to avoid going to poor shops and directly go to the recommended ones.

In Spada where there were a lot of people as well as shops, it would take a lot of labour to find a good shop normally.

That’s why, people like Lily who first looked for informants to get such knowledge weren’t really rare.

“Then next, do you know about a rank 1 adventurer called Simon?”(lily)

She hadn’t talked to Kurono about this but when he had told that his sister was a general of the Spada army at Gallahad Mountains, Lily didn’t have a really good feeling about it.

Probably Simon wasn’t a normal adventurer but actually belonged to some great family or something.

If you get tied up with someone with a high social status, who knows what kind of trouble might come with it?

It might sound like exaggerating but Kurono and them did possess power more than a rank 4 adventurer, there’s a good enough chance that someone might try and use them.

That was still in the realms of a wild idea but until they knew what kind of person Simon was, why was he working as an adventurer, Lily felt that there was a need to do a background check.

If they were lucky, she could get hold of some kind of weakness and stop them if they try to use Kurono.

As Lily held such expectations, Karen answered after a small gap.

“I don’t know, is what I want to say but I can’t hide anything from Lily-sama.”(Karen)

“No, you shouldn’t hide things from not just me but anyone.
Fairies don’t lie after all, right?”(lily)

So it seems that legend was really just a legend, so thought Fiona as she ate the giant sandwich.

“I’ll confirm this just in case but, name is Simon, Rank 1, Class alchemist, greyish hair and green eyed small elf, right?”(Karen)

“As expected of an information broker or is Simon simply that famous, which is it?”(lily)

Both actually, Karen replied with a smile rivalling Lily’s own.

“I want to know further detailed info about Simon, if possible, along with his family relations.”(lily)

“Very well, I’ll be able to give info on him immediately as well though.”

With the same movements as when Lily had entered the shop, she left a bag of gold coins on the table.

But, this time it was 50,000 klans.

“I want to know his recent actions and movements as well.
Investigate that as well.
At the same time, also get info about the Spada troops to which Simon’s elder sister belongs to as well.
It’s fine even if that info is only general things that are commonly known.”(lily)

If she were to actually ask about confidential matters regarding the Spada army, she’ll have to pay upto hundred times of current amount.
Of course, Lily didn’t need such info.

“I understand, I’ll complete my investigations within 3 days so please come again after that.”

Karen gave refreshing smile to which Lily also gave a bold smile and they shook each other’s small hands

“By the way Fiona,”(lily)


“The bill for your food, pay it yourself.”(lily)

The bill will be 4700 klan, those words spoken by Karen resounded vainly in Fiona’s ears.

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