The two strongest Demon Kings are still alive and well, and the demonfolk and black wizards in sworn service to them have spread all over the continent.
However, despite all that, peace still endures,” Doynes stated firmly.

Gilead called out to Doynes, “Council Leader.”

Ignoring the call, Doynes argued, “Even the Great Vermouth wasn’t able to defeat the Demon King of Incarceration and the Demon King of Destruction.
Among the Lionhearts, who do you think would even be able to slay a Demon King? Do you think that I’ll be able to do it at my age? Or maybe my grandson can do it for me? How about you, Patriarch, do you think you can do it?”

As Doynes spoke, his voice grew increasingly heated.

He glared at Gilead as he continued, “After gathering all of the Lionheart clan’s armed forces, do you dare to boast that they will be stronger and more skilled than our ancestor and his companions from three hundred years ago? I am certain that you won’t have the audacity to do so.
Our ancestor took just his four companions with him to slay the Demon Kings of Carnage, Cruelty, and Fury.
Do you really think that there is currently anyone in the world who would be capable of repeating such a thing?”

“…The Lionheart clan aren’t the only ones who should feel threatened by this.
This warning from the Demon King of Incarceration is aimed at everyone in the world,” Gilead eventually pointed out.

“Yes, you’re right,” Doynes easily agreed.
“However, we are the descendants of the Great Vermouth.
If we do end up confronting Helmuth, it is we who must oppose them from the forefront.
Patriarch, in your perspective, do you really think that we are ready for that?”

Eugene just stood there unmoving, not saying a word.
He had been expecting this kind of debate to erupt the moment that he passed on the warning.

In any case, this wasn’t something that Eugene needed to pay attention to.
These armchair generals might quarrel with each other[1], but this would have no effect on what Eugene had decided to do.

Eugene was Hamel’s reincarnation.
Although he didn’t know why Vermouth had decided to reincarnate Hamel, or what Vermouth might have been thinking, Hamel had long ago sworn to kill all of the Demon Kings.
That was also the goal that Sienna, Molon, and Anise, those who had fought together with Hamel, had sworn themselves to.

“…About this warning.
While neither the Lionheart clan, nor the Kiehl Empire would dare to infringe on the Demon King’s goodwill, the Holy Empire and the Anti-Demon Alliance are still stationing their troops on their borders with Helmuth,” one of the Council Elders brought up.

“Those savage Demon King haters will immediately raise their forces to invade Helmuth once we pass on the warning,” Klein said as he sweated profusely.

But Doynes snorted and shook his head in disagreement, “If they were that zealous, they would have already mobilized the troops deployed there.
The Holy Empire and the Anti-Demon Alliance have no intention of truly attempting to face Helmuth in a head-on confrontation.
It’s just a blatant act.
If they were to realize that the situation is getting serious, they would immediately withdraw their forces back from the borders.”

“…The Demon King of Incarceration isn’t the only Demon King in Helmuth,” Gilead brought up as he let out a sigh and shook his head.
“The Demon King of Destruction may have a different opinion from the Demon King of Incarceration.”

Ignoring Gilead’s warning, another Elder proposed, “The Demon King of Incarceration at least providing a warning that the Oath would soon be ending.
He even offered us another chance.
If the world decides to show him the appropriate respect, then the Demon King of Incarceration might… he might even make another Oath with us.”

“The Oath whose contents we have no clue about?”

“Of course, the Demon Kings might still just go on a crazy rampage like they did three hundred years ago.
However, they’re not doing so now, right?”

Eugene didn’t want to listen to such squabbles any longer.
Interrupting the debate he asked, “Can I take these things back now?”

Although he had voiced his request as a question, Eugene didn’t wait for a reply and immediately placed the statue and the memorial stone back inside his cloak.

Doynes belatedly gave his permission, “…Since you are the one who brought it here, then it’s fine for you to take it back with you.
But what do you intend to do with them?”

“I would like to take them to the great ancestor’s grave and leave them there,” Eugene proposed.

“…Why there?” Doynes asked.

Eugene replied, “Sir Hamel’s grave has already been destroyed, but please take a look at this memorial stone.”

Hamel Dynas.

He was a son of a bitch, an idiot, an asshole, a douche, a piece of trash.

“…Ignore the curses, just look at what’s written below,” Eugene awkwardly requested.

But he was also brave, faithful, wise, and great.

In remembrance of this stupid man, who sacrificed himself for everyone and was the first to leave us.

“Our great ancestor sincerely mourned Sir Hamel’s death.
But the grave that they painstakingly dug for him was destroyed by some wretched scoundrels and has now collapsed completely,” Eugene said without any trace of guilt.
“For the sake of the long-deceased Sir Hamel… and for the sake of our great ancestor, I believe that this statue and memorial stone should be enshrined within our ancestor’s tomb.”

“Hm…,” Doynes and the other elders weren’t able to give him a reply immediately and couldn’t help but ponder this request.

Eugene took advantage of the silence caused by their musing and added a few more words, “While I may not have been personally taught by Lady Sienna, I have read the masterpiece that she left behind, Witch Craft, and I managed to obtain a little understanding.
My teacher, Sir Lovellian, is someone who had inherited the legacy of Lady Sienna, so in a way I, as Sir Lovellian’s disciple, can also call myself Lady Sienna’s disciple.”

To think that the day would come when he willingly called himself Sienna’s disciple.

“In other words, I am both Lady Sienna’s disciple and a descendant of our shared ancestor.
I am also the last person to have paid tribute to Sir Hamel’s gravesite.”

“…,” the Elders were left speechless by this list of achievements.

“As such, I believe that I should be the one to personally place this statue and the memorial stone in our great ancestor’s tomb,” Eugene finally concluded.

“…I understand what you’re getting at,” Doynes said eventually.
“However, as you may already be aware, the tomb of our ancestor isn’t a place that can be entered as you please.
I’m afraid that I can’t just grant you permission, but….”

Doynes stop speaking for a moment to look around the room.

“…If we’re talking about Sir Hamel’s memorial stone, I agree that it should be enshrined in our ancestor’s tomb,” Gilead lent his support to Eugene’s proposal.

Carmen nodded, and the reactions of the other elders showed that they also agreed.

“…If that’s the case, then I have no choice but to open the path leading to the tomb,” Doynes conceded.

Eugene silently cheered with joy.
With this, there was no need for him to search for Vermouth’s grave while trying to avoid any attention.

‘I might not be able to open the coffin in front of them, but finding its exact location is an important step.’

He might not be able to check the contents of the coffin immediately, but he could come back later and open the coffin when he was alone.
At that time, there would be no need to pay any attention to avoiding the notice of the Knights of the Black Lion and the Council of Elders.
If they determinedly tried to block him from doing so, then what was stopping him from beating them up and clearing the path anyway?

“Since I will need time to open up the path, you should store them with you for now,” Doynes instructed Eugene.

“Yes,” accepted Eugene.

He needed time? Did that mean the tomb was sealed away with magic? Eugene wanted to openly ask his questions, but he restrained the urge to do so and just nodded quietly.

Bringing an end to this issue, Doynes said, “Well then… Genos.
You should take Eugene to his room.
Unfortunately it seems that the Patriarch’s reunion with his adopted son will have to be postponed for a short while.
I’m afraid that we still have a lot of things to talk about.”

“Yes,” Genos said, bowing his head and approaching Eugene.

After bowing his head to the Elders and the Patriarch, Eugene turned around and left the room together with Genos.

‘Looking at this situation, it seems that there is no way that they will declare war on Helmuth,’ Eugene thought to himself as he left.

After the clan delivered word of this warning to the Emperor of Kiehl, it seemed likely that the leaders of the various kingdoms would gather together to discuss future countermeasures.
While it was unlikely that any meaningful measures would actually be taken, the mere act of discussing countermeasures was enough for Eugene to feel justified at having passed on the warning.

“…Kid.” As Eugene was walking down the corridor with Genos, the man suddenly spoke up.
“Once we arrive at the bottom… let me see that statue and the memorial stone once more.”

“That’s easy, but why make such a request?” Eugene asked inquisitively.

“I want to offer some flowers to him,” Genos revealed.

Why bring up flowers all of a sudden? Eugene turned to look at Genos in confusion, only to freeze up at the sight.

Genos’s eyes were brimming with tears.

Eugene hesitated, unsure what to say, “Um… just why are you… crying so suddenly?”

“I’m not crying,” Genos blatantly lied as he widened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling.
“…I have conjunctivitis, so sometimes… tears just flow on their own, regardless of what I’m feeling.”

Was this guy crazy?

Eugene didn’t ask any more questions and hastened his walk to the elevator.

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