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John ’s aura suddenly exploded out with absolute power as he instantly unleashed his full strength.
His hand clamped onto Lyeon ’s face before he could react, while powerful lightning flared from his hand and onto Lyeons face and body, paralyzing his movements as well.
The crowd of disciples couldn ’t help but be stunned as they watched John drag Lyeon out of the ship by his face in an instant.




A series of powerful sounds boomed from outside, stunning the disciples even further.
After a moment of shock, they all raced forward towards the open door and stepped outside.

At the same time, Adam, Chase, and Iris recovered from Lyeons aura, and couldn ’t help but be pissed at what just happened.
They all raced outside as well, eager to see the brutal beatdown to come.
They knew John ’s strength, and what that meant for Lyeon after having pissed him off.

Thunderfist remained silent for a moment before he grumbled to himself and shook his head.
He too stepped forward and appeared outside, making sure that no outside third parties interfered with his disciples.




Each bang was followed by a wince of the disciples, who were almost unable to believe what they were seeing.
In a large crater in the ground clearly formed by the two, Lyon laid flat on his back, his face battered and bruised.
On top of him sat John, who repeatedly punched down with incredible force, further worsening the damage on Lyeon ’s face.




A frenzied, powerful, and slightly sinister aura emanated from John as he savagely beat Lyeon, who was barely hanging onto his consciousness by a thread.
Due to the surprise lightning attack that John had inflicted on him, he was still struggling to regain control of his movements.
However, even if that had not happened, the only difference would have been that his beatdown was delayed by a minute or two.

John suddenly reached down and grabbed Lyeon by the neck, and threw him into the distance with great force.
Lyeon ’s body sailed through the air for over a mile before slamming into a mountainside, shattering part of the mountain.
The mountain exploded into a cloud of debris, while John took to the skies and sped directly towards Lyeon once again.

A figure suddenly appeared in the sky before him, blocking his pathway forward.
John stopped as well, his heated gaze staring defiantly at Thunderfist.
Thunderfist inspected John for a moment, before he nodded his head in an approving manner.

”That ’s enough.
You ’ve sent your message to Lyeon as well as the rest of the disciples watching, ” Thunderfist said.

John wanted to push forward past Thunderfist, but he knew it was a completely futile effort.
Now that Thunderfist had interfered, he could no longer make any more moves against Lyeon.
However, he had shown both Lyeon and the rest of the disciples what happened if they messed with either him or his friends.

Not only that, but Thunderfist clearly was not going to punish John for being so heavy handed, so that was already quite a courtesy from the Sect Leader.

With his message sent, John ’s aura faded away as he returned to normal.
He flew back towards the ship, and the crowd of gathered disciples parted for him as he flew by.
They watched him enter the ship once more, followed closely by his three friends.
Their stunned gazes shifted back towards the distant mountain, as Thunderfist helped the barely conscious Lyeon make his way back to the ship.

After a brief moment of silence, a lone disciple couldn ’t help but speak out.

”What the hell just happened? ”

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